Davo luxe supplement Netherlands Sheets 2020

The Sheets supplement 2020 contains all complete Sheets with identical stamps that are not included in the Netherlands basic supplement. The supplement Nederland Sheets 2020 contains sheets of extra heavy paper (170 grs.) And plasticizer-free clamp strips to store the sheets that were issued in 2020. Every year a new supplement for the stamps released in the previous year is released for the album Nederland.

Produkt Nr.: bnda450
Zustand:  Neu
Auf Lager: 1

Find other products of: Vordrück Alben & Blätter für Briefmarken, Stamp Supplements, Niederlande, Davo.

Hauptprodukt: bda450
Land: Niederlande
Hersteller: Davo
Jahr: 2020
Produkttyp: Zubehör
Blattnummern: V168,V169,V170,V171,V172
Anzahl der Blätter: 5