Michel UNO Special 2016

Michel UNO Spezial 2016

  • Sprache: Deutsch
  • 574 Seiten
  • in Farbe
  • 3000 Abbildungen
  • 34.000 Preisnotierungen
  • Edition: 33
  • Format: 150x225mm

Content: The stamps and postal stationery of the three UN post offices in New York, Geneva, and Vienna. The service stamps of international organizations in Switzerland, in France and the Netherlands. Furthermore, the issues of the interim administrations of the United Nations in Western New Guinea, Kosovo and East Timor. Including booklets and postal stationery.

Find other products of: Andere Länder, Vereinigte Nationen, Thematische Kataloge, Organisationen & Einrichtungen, Weltkataloge, Michel Weltkatalog, Michel Weiter, Vereinte Nationen, New York, Michel.

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Hauptprodukt: bmiuno
Land: Vereinte Nationen, New York
Hersteller: Michel
Jahr: 2016
Produkttyp: Zubehör