In prehistoric times, man discovered that by twisting natural plant fibres together he could make something that would be useful for hunting, lifting or construction purposes. Now called rope, string, cord or cable and also made from synthetic materials, this invention has been incredibly important for man over the years. It has been used for such diverse purposes as sailing and mountain-climbing and later the development of metal cables provided the possibility of building ever-longer suspension bridges, cable-car and cable railway systems that can carry people and objects over difficult terrain.


1926, Reply Paid Postcard to Amsterdam

Hauptprodukt: ssg!926 Land: Deutschland, Saargebiet Jahr: 1926 Nr. Michel: P17I
Gebrauchte Ganzsachen
In den Warenkorb

1923, Reply Paid Postcard to Berlin

Hauptprodukt: ssg!p17i Land: Deutschland, Saargebiet Jahr: 1923 Nr. Michel: P17I
Gebrauchte Ganzsachen
In den Warenkorb

1922, Definitives 14v

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Hauptprodukt: ssg0084 Land: Deutschland, Saargebiet Jahr: 1922 Nr. Fsc: 22201 Nr. Michel: 84/97
In den Warenkorb

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