
1932, 15o, all sides perf, Stamp out of set

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Produkt Nr.: lzdb0217b
Zustand:  Ungebraucht
Auf Lager: 1

Find other products of: Natur, Pferde, Schweden.

Hauptprodukt: lzd0217b
Land: Schweden
Jahr: 1932
Nr. Michel: 217B
Ist einzigartig: Nein
Eintragsdatum: 27.08.2017
Produkttyp: Einzelne Briefmarken


The horse is a hooved ungulate mammal. Unusually, horses are able to sleep both standing up and lying down. Female horses, called mares, carry their young for approximately 11 months, and a young horse, called a foal, can stand and run shortly following birth. The average lifespan of a horse is...

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