
Paint set: Soviet/Russian Colors Su-27 "Flanker" from 80's to Present

Set of 8 Model Air colors developed to paint the different models of the Sukhoi Su-27 “Flanker” of the Soviet Air Force (actual Russian Federation). The set includes profiles of the aircraft, indications of the colors needed, and a detailed description of their application.

Contents (all in bottles 17ml):
71.317 AII SV. Gol Light Blue
71.333 Russian AF Blue
71.334 Flanker Light Blue
71.335 Flanker Light Gray
71.337 Flanker Blue
71.343 Russian AF Grey N.7
71.344 Russian AF Grey Protective Coat
71.345 Russian AF Grey N.8

Find other products of: Hobbyprof Modellbau, Farbe, Vallejo Color Sets, Vallejo.

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verwandte Produkte

Hauptprodukt: vhp71602
EAN: 8429551716024
Hersteller: Vallejo
Produkttyp: Modellbau & Sammlerware